International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

The world of Diesel Exhaust Fluid would seem alien to certain commemorations, but our philanthropic character has always led us to be aware of many realities surrounding our activity. For Transliquid Technologies LLC and its flagship product Noxguard DEF, there are several important dates.

This is the case of December 3rd, in which the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated. And this is the reason why we stand in solidarity especially on this date with the people in this situation. Our experience as a company has shown that not only is integration possible at a moderate level, but we know that individuals can be empowered to positions of leadership, both in business roles and in political and scientific ones.

It is time to reflect on the worldwide progress  in terms of the fusion of the different capacities in diverse groups that, far from weakening them, constitute forces with broad visions, which serve as an incentive to take those who intend to be successful even further.

The World Health Organization classifies disabilities or different capacities as a universal human right. A variety of international documents highlighted that a disability is a right, including the World Program on Action Relating to Persons with Disabilities (1982) and the Standard of Norms on Equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities (1993). More than 40 countries adopted laws against disability discrimination during the 1990s.

All this is currently reflected in a social awareness that results in better infrastructure, regulations, and technology aimed at being inclusive, considering this a reality in our modern world. 50 years ago, this might have seemed unthinkable and even insane. Fortunately today it becomes an increasingly widespread habit. In fact, it is has detonated international laws.

For example, the third article of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) describes the following general principles:

  1. Respect for the inherent dignity, individual autonomy, including the freedom to make one’s own choices and the independence of persons;
  2. Nondiscrimination;
  3. Full and effective participation and inclusion in society;
  4. Respect for the difference and acceptance of people with disabilities as part of diversity and humanity;
  5. Equal opportunities;
  6. Accessibility;
  7. Equality between men and women;
  8. Respect for the evolution of the capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to preserve their identity.

                                                                                                                                                                                          Our Noxguard DEF community invites you to commemorate and recognize all these ideas, which added to the care of the environment ⏤in which we are deeply immersed⏤ will lead us to have an increasingly better world for all.


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